I wonder if there is an easy way to look at point mutations from SAM files. I understand there are mutation calling software such as GATK, but I need to look at each individual read, not the sequence region as a whole.
The CIGAR column in SAM does not have any information about point mutations, and the TAG field does not seem to help either. My current method is just to align each read back to the reference using the coordinates given, but I would appreciate any other better method.
Thanks everyone!
You can use the MD field in the BAM file that stores information about mismatching positions. If your bam files doesn't have MD tag, you can generate it using samtools calmd function. Check these relevant posts: Position Of Mismatches Per Read From A Sam/Bam File, How To Find Out The Mismatchs Of An Alignment Entry In The Sam File?
Thank you! I didn't know samtools could do that. I really appreciate your help!