I ran in to the situation now a couple of times that I need to extract a set of private SNPs from a multisample VCF file.
It is possible with vcf-contrast from vcf-tools:
vcf-contrast +sample1 -sample2 -sample3 -n input.vcf > private sample1.vcf
vcf-contrast -sample1 +sample2 -sample3 -n input.vcf > private sample2.vcf
vcf-contrast -sample1 -sample2 +sample3 -n input.vcf > private sample3.vcf
Surely this must be possible with GATK. Does anyone know how to do this with GATK. I ask because I would like to stay with 1 tool package.
Maybe it is somewhere in the SelectVariants? The --discordance option looked promissing but there is something about that the samples should be the same? Or is it possible to write another variant walker or a JEXL expression?
ask this as a new question please.
Hi Pierre,
I have posted a question in the forum regarding the same. Could you have a look at it.?