I have looked into Yale TFBS in UCSC, but it seems that the TFBS in UCSC are not quite enough for me to overlap my snp positions.
Is there any database for transcription factor binding sites annotation (TFBS). Both the experimental data predict one are OK.
Thanks for these help! Annother question is that the UCSC Yale TFBS track has many results for different cells with same transfactors, while results of each cell do not contain all TFs in this track. So if i want to verify whether my snp is overlaped in this TFBS, can i combine all the results from different cells? If not, how can i handle this case, which make me much confused these days!
Thanks for your suggestion. The ORegAnno is a great databse. It indeed has some important information. But it seems that the result of this database has a large differences with UCSC, in which only 3-4 tf binding sites are displayed. So my question is that can i combine the results of these databases? It seems not. So which database is better for SNP TFBS overlap?