Hi dudes,
I want to count the number of my reads that have been mapped to each gene, then I downloaded featureCounts from http://sourceforge.net/projects/subread/files/subread-1.4.6-p5/, untarred that then using my accepted_hits.sam and genes.gtf as input, I replaced the command from documentation like below:
Summarize a single-end read dataset using 5 threads:
featureCounts -T 5 -t exon -g gene_id -a annotation.gtf -o counts.txt mapping_results_SE.sam
[izadi@lbox161 Downloads]$ ls
subread-1.4.6-p5-source subread-1.4.6-p5-source.tar.gz
[izadi@lbox161 Downloads]$ cd subread-1.4.6-p5-source
[izadi@lbox161 subread-1.4.6-p5-source]$ ls
LICENSE README.txt annotation doc ouput src test
[izadi@lbox161 subread-1.4.6-p5-source]$ cd src
[izadi@lbox161 src]$ ln -s /usr/data/nfs6/izadi/angel/ouput/
[izadi@lbox161 src]$ featureCounts -T 5 -t exon -g gene_id -a genes.gtf -o counts.txt accepted_hits.sam
bash: featureCounts: command not found...
After untaring there no bin file there? do you know why?
[izadi@lbox161 izadi]$ tar -zxvf subread-1.4.6-p5-source.tar.gz
May you please read my command and detect my fault here?
Thank you
Please, again, learn from your previous experience:
I'm going to close this one.
Ohhhh Pierre please,
I'm really helpless and this website is the only where I can get help because I'm totally alone with my problem
Just you,
command + Google and manuals. Start with googling:mastering ls and find command. Because you know, the secret incantation featureCounts can show its magic power only if it actually exist on your system and you invoke it with another short prayer which we call /path/to/your/executable or (but this is a real Black Magic) include some extra info in a book containing good spells, some like to call $PATH. Something like this (bash):
export PATH=/path/to/directory/where/your/executable/is:$PATH
Trust me, these are good spells to know. Without them not even basic magic tricks are possible. And nobody will love you in Hogwarts.
Edit: removed space after "PATH= " + formatted as code
Thank you so much for your caring. Yes you are right