I have two assembled sequences and I would like to compare them. I am interested to get to know the similarity % between them, how many bp's were aligned, number of gaps, the score bit, where the alignment starts and finishes. I used blastn, but the since the alignment is local it gives results as blocks. I was wondering what would you suggest me to use to get an overall result of an entire alignment?
Thank you. I have already tried muscle and emboss, however apart the alignment itself, I need to get the statistics..
Why don't you use emboss' Needleman-Wunsch implementation "needle"?
In its report you'll find:
I have tried to use emboss matcher (needle dies, because my sequences are too big). But it takes only 1 per 1 sequence at a time and prints me output. Do you know if there is a way to run a batch mode?
Try with the pairwise global alignment tools:
I have tried with two very big sequences and Needle run without problems
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With statistics do you mean the score? It will change depending the algorithm as it is computed in different ways. What score do you need?