2 related questions. How does the -taxid argument for the NCBI's blast-2.2.24+ makeblastdb command work? When I execute:
makeblastdb -title "BO" -dbtype nucl -out BO -in BO.fna -parse_seqids -taxid 3712 -logfile testing.logI assume all identifiers are linked to taxon id 3712. However when retrieving a particular sequence with:
blastdbcmd -db BO -entry B_oleracea-2 -outfmt "%T"it results in a plain "0" Same for the taxid_map, first what is the correct formatting for the taxid_map? From the manual I can only find this: taxid_map: Name of file which provides a mapping of sequence IDs to taxonomy IDs.For me this suggest something like (whitespace either being a space or a tab)
B_oleracea-1 3712 B_oleracea-2 3712
However I cannot make this work - also results in a "0" when retrieving a single identifier with -outfmt "%T".
Any ideas?
Hi, I would need this feature now, do you whether or not it is working in latest release?