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9.4 years ago
Madhuri Haque
I would like to generate a .fai file for all the snps belonging to a specific gene. How I'll be able to do that?
Do I have to download all the sequences belonging to each snps (e.g. rs124536) from NCBI and make a .fa file and then use samtools to convert it to .fai?
The software I am working with (ANGSD) requires
file along with a.vcf
file as input.Would you please tell me how I will be able to get the .fai file for a .vcf file?
file mentioned in page: http://www.popgen.dk/angsd/index.php/Input corresponds to reference fasta file. Index your reference fasta file and this would create a fai file. This fai file should be supplied to the command. Example command would be (assuming that your reference sequence used in alignment is reference.fa and vcf file is sample.vcf):One cannot create a fai from VCF file. VCF indexing produces idx files and fasta indexing generates fai files, in general.