can someone please give me a hint, where I can find a good summary/explanation about the differences between directional and non-directional sequencing. I would like to understand the methods better as well as to know what are the reads resulted from these experiments are showing me.
I always thought I know the difference which is quite straightforward, but lately I was asked to try and explain it. Somehow I got into a problem explaining, whether the reads are a copy of the sense or the anti-sense strand.
The problem began with an experiment of non-directional single-end sequencing. We wanted to try and find those reads which match the plus strand - is it possible?
If someone can better explain it than me, I will appreciate the help.
I think it's one of those that falls in the grey area. Bioinformaticians would benefit from knowing the answer (I would certainly like to know!)
I think this is better asked on Seqanswers. It seems also off-topic to me as it is not about bioinformatics.
I wasn't sure it will be the right forum for that kind of question. I guess from the lack of answers either there is none or it is really the wrong forum. But as a bioinformatician who must now confront this question, I think it will be interesting to know.
BTW, I asked a similar question in www.seqanswers.com. There were no answers there as well. Is it such a complicated question?
molbiolab@molbiolab:~/Documents/Juli/Practice/cufflinks-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64$ ./cuffmerge File "./cuffmerge", line 95 except getopt.error, msg: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
julianasrinjuli : Please don't post randomly in pre-existing unrelated threads.
If you have a question, first search biostars using google. If you are not able to find a pre-existing thread that answers your question then create a new thread/post. Provide details about what you are trying to do along with command lines, error messages and software version information. Just posting a random error message is not going to get you anywhere.