Hi everybody,
I installed the local version of the biomart 0.8 using the user manual. It was very easy and unproblematic. I tested it with a web browser (Firefox) and it run correctly. I downloaded the example database they give in the quickstart.xml example (msd) and than also the enseml database. When starting the web server I see these four options:
* msd_config
* dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl_config
* mmusculus_gene_ensembl_config
* hsapiens_gene_ensembl_config
I can also than run the queries in the webserver.
My problems start when I am trying to run it in my R session. Somehow I can't get it to find the server.
> listMarts(host="my server IP address",port=9000, path="biomart0.8/release-0_8-candidate_6/registry/biomart0.8ensembl.xml")
Request to BioMart web service failed. Verify if you are still connected to the internet.
Alternatively the BioMart web service is temporarily down. Check http://www.biomart.org and
verify if this website is available.
Error: does not seem to be XML, nor to identify a file name
Somehow I am not sure exactly what XML file is looks for. After compilation I started the martconfigurator and did as in the manual. I thought this is also the same path I need to out into the listMarts command in R. But this is apperently wrong.
Has anyone tried it before and can help me with these paths? What path do I need to use?
Thanks A.
I have never tried to connect to a local instance from biomaRt, but the first argument of listMarts() is supposed to be a mart object created using useMart(). Could that be the problem?
My second thought: I think "path" does not refer to file path but to a URL suffix. Skimming through the manual, it looks like "martservice/marts" might work?
well, I tried both options, but it didn't work.
I crated the mart:
well, I tried both options, but it didn't work. I crated the mart: