Good afternoon collective hive brain,
I bring forth another head scratcher for you. I'm working with Ion Torrent generated RNA-Seq data and I have noticed that the vast majority of the reads that map back to the reference are the reverse strain. Is this normal? I get full coverage of the target ssRNA virus we are working with however even with cDNA creation would I not see more of a 50/50 split between reads?
I would like to see if how all the reads shake out, not just the ones that map. Does anyone know how to split a file of reads based on their directionality. I'm assuming this is possible since you can check for directionality of mate pairs but I do not normally work with mate paired data so I'm not sure how to do that. I figure this should be doable either with the the fastq file or the sam file, but I can not find in the documentation which flag or character is the one that tells you the direction.
Thanks in advance,
I can't really answer your question, just be aware that you can't determine the strand of an unmapped read. You get the directionality only after the mapping.