Sorry friends,
I got totally confused, as I understood in a common RNA-seq analysis, for example with tophat, after producing accepted_hits.bam
, reads are counted by featurecount or another tools to output a read count matrix. Hereafter if the normalization (for example log transforming) is the second step or producing the RPKM or VST by some tools such as DESe2 is the same differential expression analysis and normalization together? I mean is normalization an independent step before differential expression analysis?
Thank you
You pointed to quality control as pre-processing step. In my work, the initial quality control checking by drawing box plot or MA plot showed that the data are not normalized. In this situation, could you please let me know if I have to do normalization before doing differential expression analysis using say edgeR tool or it should do just on the results of differentially expressed genes to compare samples?