I have several BAC sequences each of which contains 2-7 contigs. I need to align these BACs to a pseudomolecule and scaffolds. Basically, I need to identify a region were BAC maps on the pseudomolecule. At the end I need to get statistics such as alignment identity, aln lenth, coverage, start end. I can get all of these information from BLAST megablast. However, since megablast is local, it results in many HSP's obviously. Do you guys have an idea how can I calculate this and find the region on a pseudomolecule where each of my BAC aligns? if yes, then how? I can use bwa as an alternative, however, I dont know how to extract information from .bam file..
did you try BLAT instead of BLAST ?
I don't know if it solves my problem..the output is more or less similar to what I get with megablast...Do you think taking the best hit solves the problem?
in the ucsc, the BAC end sequences are "placed on the assembled sequence using BLAT".
Yes but they use only the ends not the full sequence and they have a scoring system to filter hits.