I downloaded wheat reference genome, then I split it into two chunks as the genome was too big that bowtie required it to be split into two. Then, I indexed it with bowtie, and mapped reads with tophat. This is how I called it:
tophat -o -p 15 --min-intron-length 20 --max-intron-length 20000 --max-multihits 5 <genome> <read>
I got the bam file, but surprisingly, when I tried to visualize it with IGV, I could not find reads mapped to the genome in so many coordinates. This was a bit awkward, because it did not match what I found with samtools tview, in which I could see clear reads that are mapped on this genomic region!!!
I weakly concluded that this could be an improper mapping issue with tophat that I am not aware of. Therefore, I used bowtie, and surprisingly, I found reads mapped to the reference genome which were absent with tophat!!
Why do I get mapped reads with bowtie and not with tophat?
Do you have any suggestion or an explanation to this?
Could it have to do with calling tophat wrongly??!!
Could you add the version of TopHAt and Bowtie you are using and the options you choose when you call them ?
Newer versions of bowtie1 and bowtie2 support larger genomes like those of wheat. This will likely solve your problem.
I used bowtie2 and tophat2..
This is how I called bowtie:
and, this is how I called Tophat:
also, I tested it without options, and I get the same results: