Q1) How do I call and report somatic mutations after getting the vcf files as below?
samtools mpileup -u hg19.fa foo.sorted.bam | bcftools view - > foo.sorted.bcf
bcftools view food.sorted.bcf | vcfutils varFilter -D200 > foo.d200.flt.vcf
Q1) How do I call and report somatic mutations after getting the vcf files as below?
samtools mpileup -u hg19.fa foo.sorted.bam | bcftools view - > foo.sorted.bcf
bcftools view food.sorted.bcf | vcfutils varFilter -D200 > foo.d200.flt.vcf
Take a look at the -T pair option of bcftools. A non-comprehensive list of somatic variant callers includes varscan, somatic sniper, joint-snv-mix, and mutect (licensed from the broad). I suspect that many folks use a custom script for this application, though.
For exome sequencing of tumor-normal pairs, we use VarScan and SomaticSniper.
VarScan2 is out:
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Do you have a matched normal sample? Without a comparison, you won't be able to tell somatic from germline mutations.
It is not likely that all cells whose DNA was sequenced originated from the same clonal population. It is much more likely, especially for a clinical sample, that they've sequenced a mixture of cells of different origins, and hence different genomes. A matched normal is helpful, but may not be necessary.