I am looking to do transcription factor (TF) and miRNA enrichment analysis.
I have a list of DE genes from RNAseq experiment and I am wanting to do transcription factor / miRNA enrichment analysis to ask, which of these DE genes are targets to transcription factors / miRNAs?
Specifically looking for recently published articles that have done such analysis either on RNAseq or microarray data.
I have tried GATHER tool to use TRANSFAC for transcription factor that performs statistical analysis computing Bayes factor. http://gather.genome.duke.edu
For miRNA enrichment analysis, I have tried doing enrichment analysis (fischer exact test) using predicted miRNA targets listed in TragetScanHuman database (http://www.targetscan.org/vert_70/)
But would be great to see any articles that are recently published that have done TF and miRNA enrichment analysis, to follow and validate my study.
Please share any info.
Thanks much,
Ramya Gamini
Don't have any articles in mind to suggest, but perhaps you can also use JASPAR to validate your TF results
Noticed this tool as well.. http://genecodis.cnb.csic.es/