I'm currently studying computer science and I wish to specialise in bio-computing, I need to work on a project and write a dissertation for my degree and I was wondering if I could get some help in narrowing down which topics would be realistic. I have a basic background in biology and I'm interested in epigenetics so I wish to somehow incorporate that into my project. A software engineering based project would be preferred.
My current idea is to make a (visual?) tool based on Bayesian networks to predict likelihood of disease or expression of a gene associated with a disease based on already known links with e.g. high levels of methylation. Firstly is there much data available about these sorts of links? Is there a need for a tool like this? Is it feasible to estimate the likelihood of disease or at least suggest genes to target for study?
My second idea is also to create a tool to make a Boolean network model of gene regulatory networks and use methylation data to influence the GNR. Would there be a useful application of this in the real world?
I know very little details about both topics so I'm hoping this post hasn't just been a string of key words but actually makes sense!
Thank you in advance!
I second this. No other easier way to do work that is completely irrelevant than failing to at least talk with local experts in the field. But coming to Biostars is also a good start!