I'm working on a miRNA quantification RNA-Seq pipeline and I'm using RSEM for the quantification step. However some of my read sets are unable to be quantified by RSEM. I don't understands since there are aligned reads by bowtie2 (the aligner used underneath RSEM) but RSEM seems unable to use them for quantification ...
Here is the ouput of RSEM for one problematic read set :
Warning: the seed length set is less than 25! This is only allowed if the references are not added poly(A) tails. /opt/bioinformatics/bowtie2/2.2.3/bin/bowtie2 -q --phred33 -D 20 -R 4 -N 0 -L 15 -i S,1,0.50 --dpad 0 --gbar 99999999 -p 24 -k 200 -x /net/archive04/mnt/tank/archive/rklinck/phil/rsem_ref/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature -U ../fastq-t/E-07.fastq.gz | samtools view -S -b -o E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature.bam - [samopen] SAM header is present: 2588 sequences. 4896945 reads; of these: 4896945 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these: 4442252 (90.71%) aligned 0 times 284847 (5.82%) aligned exactly 1 time 169846 (3.47%) aligned >1 times 9.29% overall alignment rate rsem-parse-alignments /net/archive04/mnt/tank/archive/rklinck/phil/rsem_ref/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature E-07.mature.stat/E-07.mature b E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature.bam -t 1 -tag XM Parsed 1000000 entries Parsed 2000000 entries Parsed 3000000 entries Parsed 4000000 entries Parsed 5000000 entries Done! rsem-build-read-index 32 1 0 E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature_alignable.fq Build Index E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature_alignable.fq is Done! rsem-run-em /net/archive04/mnt/tank/archive/rklinck/phil/rsem_ref/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature 1 E-07.mature E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature E-07.mature.stat/E-07.mature -p 24 -b b E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature.bam 0 Refs.loadRefs finished! Thread 0 : N = 18998, NHit = 27466 Thread 1 : N = 18965, NHit = 27466 Thread 2 : N = 18878, NHit = 27467 [... truncated ...] Thread 22 : N = 18906, NHit = 27466 DAT 0 reads left Thread 23 : N = 18804, NHit = 27459 EM_init finished! 1000000 READS PROCESSED 2000000 READS PROCESSED 3000000 READS PROCESSED 4000000 READS PROCESSED estimateFromReads, N0 finished. estimateFromReads, N1 finished. ROUND = 1, SUM = 4896944.99999999, bChange = 850.254, totNum = 2588 ROUND = 2, SUM = 4896945, bChange = 2.21846, totNum = 261 [... truncated ...] ROUND = 50, SUM = 4896945, bChange = 0.00100884, totNum = 1 ROUND = 51, SUM = 4896945, bChange = 0.000943811, totNum = 0 No alignable reads?! "rsem-run-em /net/archive04/mnt/tank/archive/rklinck/phil/rsem_ref/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature/mirbase21_hsa_dna_mature 1 E-07.mature E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature E-07.mature.stat/E-07.mature -p 24 -b b E-07.mature.temp/E-07.mature.bam 0" failed! Plase check if you provide correct parameters/options for the pipeline!
thanks for your help!