Entering edit mode
9.1 years ago
~/Documents/Blast/makeblastdb -in Bmori.fst -dbtype nucl -out Bmori_BlastDB -parse_seqids; ## Creating Bmori database
$BLAST_DB='Bmori_BlastDB'; ## storing in a variable
@QUERY_FILES=`ls *.fas`; ## list all the transcriptomes of different species
foreach $tmp (@QUERY_FILES)
#print "$tmp";
chomp($tmp); ##remove new line character
/appl/bio/blast/2.2.31/bin/blastn -query $tmp -db $BLAST_DB -out $tmp\_vs\_$BLAST_DB.txt -evalue 0.01 -outfmt 6; ## blast version 2.2.25 command
Error message:
BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database [Bmori_BlastDB.psq] in search path [/homeappl/home/shuezu/transcriptomes:/proj/csc/biosci/biodb/production/blast:]