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9.4 years ago
Sameer Chavan
Hi everyone,
I am new to Bioperl so please bear with me.
I have a bam file and a chr-position file that looks like this:
10 1156771
10 37484026
10 78483209
10 82960189
I have to calculate the number of A, T, G, C, N, a, t, g, c (forward strand and reverse strand) for each of the positions in the position file, such that the output looks like:
chr pos depth A T G C a t g c N
10 1156771 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 37484026 5 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
Now, I know this exact task can be done by:
- samtools mpileup -> pileup2indel.pl/Rsamtools or other parsing scripts
- bam-readcount (directly takes position file and bam file to generate that output)
- other existing tools
And I have done it before too using bam-readcount! But I have been told to do it using Bio::DB::Sam
Anyway, the following is my code to generate pileup at a particular position, the only thing I can't figure out now is getting the reference base ($refBase):
use Bio::DB::Sam;
my $sam = Bio::DB::Sam->new(-bam => "sample.bam", -fasta => "hg19.fasta");
my $cb = sub {
my ($seqid, $pos, $pileups) = @_;
my $refBase = $sam->segment($seqid,$pos,$pos)->dna;
# cannot access reference base. $refBase is always empty.
print "\n$pos\t$refBase=>";
my @tmp;
my @strtmp;
for my $pileup (@$pileups){
my $al = $pileup->alignment;
my $strand = $al->strand;
my $qBase = substr($al->qseq, $pileup->qpos, 1);
# to account for reverse strand
# if $strand is 1 then $qBase will remain same
# if $strand is -1 then $qBase will change to small
$qBase = lc $qBase;
#print "$qBase";
$scalstrand = join("",@strtmp);
$scal = join("", @tmp);
print $scal,"\t";
print $scalstrand,"\t";
my $len = length($scal);
my $A = $scal =~ tr/A//;
my $T = $scal =~ tr/T//;
my $C = $scal =~ tr/C//;
my $G = $scal =~ tr/G//;
my $a = $scal =~ tr/a//;
my $c = $scal =~ tr/c//;
my $g = $scal =~ tr/g//;
my $t = $scal =~ tr/t//;
# print the depth and counts of A,T,G,C,a,t,g,c
print "Depth:$len, A:$A, T:$T, C:$C, G:$G, a:$a, t:$t, c:$c, g:$g\n";
# call pileup for chr1:10000 only
$sam->pileup('1:10000-10000', $cb);
cross posted (& deleted ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33307259
Yes, because they asked me to delete it there as it was not the relevant community. So now it is only on Biostars. Is that ok?