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13.0 years ago
I installed biopython 1.58 on my MAC Pro.
Then I tried running the following code from here:
from Bio import AlignIO
for multiple_alignment in AlignIO.parse("chr10.maf", "maf"):
print "printing a new multiple alignment"
for seqrec in multiple_alignment:
print "starts at %s on the %s strand of a sequence %s in length, and runs for %s bp" % \
(I changed "chr10.maf" to "chrI.maf" so it would match the file I have.)
My result was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "program.py", line 3, in <module>
for multiple_alignment in AlignIO.parse("chrI.maf","maf"):
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Bio/AlignIO/__init__.py", line 368, in parse
raise ValueError("Unknown format '%s'" % format)
ValueError: Unknown format 'maf'
Can anyone help?
I would definitely like to help test this code. How can I do it?
Ask on the Biopython mailing list for more details, but you'll need to install Biopython from Andrew's branch - currently https://github.com/polyatail/biopython/tree/alignio-maf I think.