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9.3 years ago
Hello all, I am new in plink analysis, Conversion to plink format keeps failing due to an error.
Error: failed to open HNPGenotypes.fam
Here are the few lines of my files :
002_S_0619 002_S_0619 200003 G G
002_S_0619 002_S_0619 200006 A A
002_S_0619 002_S_0619 200047 A A
002_S_0619 002_S_0619 0 0 0 0
002_S_0816 002_S_0816 0 0 0 0
002_S_0938 002_S_0938 0 0 0 0
3 rs2364372 0 127356428
3 rs2364379 0 192551084
1 rs2364403 0 154194376
I generated the files based on this code: https://github.com/dhibar/ADNI_Genetics_Convert_to_PLINK according to the presentation: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/staff/academic-research/nichols/presentations/ohbm2014/imggen/Hibar_ImgGen-CommonVar_OHBM2014.pdf
How can I solve the error?
Thanks in advance
Make sure you have the required permissions on the fam file.