Hi Does anyone have a sff file or know where I can find sff file with short reads sequenced from multiple genomes, with primer (forward and reverse), target Start and Stop position in genome and MID info.
Hi Does anyone have a sff file or know where I can find sff file with short reads sequenced from multiple genomes, with primer (forward and reverse), target Start and Stop position in genome and MID info.
SFF files are produced from 454 sequencing runs! See here for more information http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fx_files/22864/1/content/sffdemo.html
You can download SFF files from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/
You may want to find a metagenomic study of interest, for example an analysis of bacterial communities in the Baltic Sea. From there, you can find the associated 454 sequence data. I don't completely understand what you are trying to do, but I hope that helps.
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What do you want to do?
I want to run AVA software for single sff file and then do the mapping with different reference sequence. For this, I guess, two different DNA library preparation need to be sequenced in a single run giving single output sff file, which I don't have. So looking out for the sff file with short reads from multiple genome. Please let me know if anyone has such sff file.