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9.4 years ago
Abdul Rafay Khan
Just install BLAST by typing: sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+
But it says you need to download database into your working directory because it only search the working directory. Is it possible to run blast without downloading the database.
what is "the database" ? the whole 'nr' database ? you can use the 'remote' option, a custom database ? you have to compile it with makeblastdb.
Can you give us the command which failed? You can run BLAST without NCBI databases to align your own sequences against your own databases.
Please give us more information about the problem. ;)
Check this.
After installing you need to configured blast setting. if you donot want to download the database you can create it as Pierre Lindenbaum suggested with makeblastdb. But it depends on the objectives if you want to do blast against nr, swissprot or other database then you need to download it.