I did some variant calling on a 9MB genome we assembled and compared to another genome. We just got a few SNPs and single nucleotide indels.
With SnpEff I assessed the severity of the variants. We just got a few indels in genes.
Interestingly most of the indels are close to the stop codon. And most of them are in areas where we did not find known motifs with InterProScan...
I want to further assess the severity of the indels which are in genes. Any papers or other suggestions?
It is realy interesting that I see a strong bias of indels towards the end of the genes. Did you ever observe the same picture?
Thanks Michael! Unfortunately, you not really answered my question. I was more asking if it is possible to asses the severity of a indel based on its position on a CDS. Or if there is any resources out there. I do not have much knowlegede about that.
Also, I would be interested if it is normal that the indels occur more to the end of a CDS. Did anyone ever see such a bias?
Unless I understand something wrong, the "severity" you are looking for is functional impact. This is exactly what the tools above do. I am not aware of any systematic bias if short indels closer to the stop codon as opposed to other segments of the gene.