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9.1 years ago
Hello everyone,
I was trying to run the RepeatProteinMasker with the newest Libraries (repeatmaskerlibraries-20150807.tar.gz). But I got no result of this software. The command line is below:
/home/share/tools/genome_annotation/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker/RepeatProteinMask -engine ncbi -noLowSimple -pvalue 1e-04 Final.assembly.fa
Identifying Simple and Low Complexity Repeats...(masking turned off)
- Tandem Repeats: 341894
Masking Repeat Proteins...
- Protein Hits = 0
I doubt that there is a special library of RepeatProteinMasker, but I am not sure. So, anyone could help me?
In general it depends on the number of cores used for an analysis. In my case when I've used 3 CPU's it took 7 day to mask a 450 Mbp genome, on the other hand with 40 CPU's 850Mbp genome was masked within 12 hrs.