I'm looking at the genoCN package from Bioconductor. The genoCNV() function takes an argument, pBs, which I believe refers to "population frequency of allele B", or PFB.
I'm trying to find a PFB file for the Illumina 610 Quad V1 array platform. The only reference to it that I've found is in this paper which states: "For the samples genotyped on the 610-Quad BeadChips, we used the hh550_610.hg18 pfb and gc model files separately provided by Dr. Kai Wang".
Does anyone know whether this PFB file is available for download anywhere? The pennCNV contains a couple of PFB files (hhall and hh550), but not a 610 file. It also includes a script, compile_pfb.pl, which seems to run using my files (BeadStudio output), but I'm not sure if this is the correct usage.
I may have answered my own question, in that the hhall pfb file seems to contain at least some of the SNPs from my 610 intensity files - but still interested in any answers.