Dear All,
I have a query regarding the gene annotation file (GTF).
Tophat command without GTF:
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
Tophat command with GTF:
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand <code>-G genes.gtf</code> -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
What is the difference between the two tophat commands?
Cufflinks command without GTF:
$ cufflinks -p 8 -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
Cufflinks command with GTF:
$ cufflinks -p 8 <code>-G gene.gtf</code> -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
What is the difference between the two cufflinks commands?
Scenario 1: (Tophat command without GTF and Cufflinks command with GTF)
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
$ cufflinks -p 8 -G gene.gtf -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
Scenario 2: (Tophat command with GTF and Cufflinks command without GTF)
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand -G genes.gtf -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
$ cufflinks -p 8 -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
Scenario 3: (Tophat command with GTF and Cufflinks command with GTF)
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand -G genes.gtf -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
$ cufflinks -p 8 -G genes.gtf -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
Scenario 4: (Tophat command without GTF and Cufflinks command without GTF)
$ tophat -p 8 --library-type fr-firststrand -o tophat_out reference_genome sample1_r1.fq sample1_r2.fq
$ cufflinks -p 8 -o cufflinks_out tophat_out/accepted_hits.bam
What is the difference between scenario1, scenario2, scenario3 and scenario4?
Does the output of scenario1, scenario2, scenario3 and scenario4 are same or different?
Have you read the manual?
Hi Devon,
I read the manual, but still I was not clear.
Did Chirag's reply clarify things?
Hi Devon,
I have a better understanding now.
The reason why I have 4 different scenarios is, I have seen from different posts that people use these different combinations.
I am currently running all these 4 different combinations in my system. As of now I dint see my results.
So, I would like to know what should I expect from the output files of above 4 scenarios.
In general, if your organism has a decent annotation then you'll get better results if you use it.