I need to plot some genomic locations in context of their distances from transcription start site, CpG islands and Dnase hypersensitive sites.
Question1) Can anyone please tell me how I can get ucsc/refseq transcription start site with 1kb up- and downstream flank from ucsc table browser? In the output, I see the following options, I am not clear which options to choose to get what I want. If I just retrieve base pairs upstream to genes, I will miss the alternate TSS.
Whole Gene
Upstream by bases
Exons plus bases at each end
Introns plus bases at each end
5' UTR Exons
Coding Exons
3' UTR Exons
Downstream by bases
Question 2) How can I get lists of CpG islands and DNase hypersensitive sites of human genome?
Thanks a lot for your time and help!
Dear Alex Reynolds, thanks a lot for your help!