I have troubles extracting the best score peaks from my bed file.
I have something like this :
chr1 4483445 4484123 MACS_peak_1 59.19
chr1 4533929 4534670 MACS_peak_2 291.66
chr1 4561472 4562345 MACS_peak_3 492.41
chr1 4661528 4662199 MACS_peak_4 72.40
chr1 4695864 4697136 MACS_peak_5 204.10
chr1 4745953 4746562 MACS_peak_6 420.59
and I would like to extract just the peaks that are above a threshold for the score (ex : 100) (5th column)
I have tried with bedtools, but it can just sort them by chromosome then score, and I don't find how to extract just the lines with a score above 100.
I succeed to extract them with unix using sort then tail, but afterward, when I write the output, and try to work with the file, I have an issue since unix don't write the 5th column as integer but as numerical.
Is there anyhow a better way to do it ?
Thank you
Then you'll need to round:
This always rounds down, but you could do things differently if needed.
This work just fine, thank you !