This is a beginner question.
I have drawn up a box-plot and PCA plot for my RNA-seq experiment before and after normalization. However, I don't understand how to interpret the plots. For example, in the PCA plot, are the biological replicates expected to cluster by the first principal component? What about cluster on the second principal component? If I see my samples are clustered in a box-plot, does that mean my normalization has done the job?
What does a perfect normalization would look like on a box-plot and PCA plot? Any online resources?
Thanks for the explanation. I made a box-plot and PCA both before and after normalization. It was done on the raw and normalized counts. Does that mean technical replicates are expected to cluster by the first or second component in a PCA plot? I'm trying to understand how to read the plots.
If you have technical replicates then they should always cluster together after normalization. If not then something went wrong (not in normalization, but in making one of the replicates).