I'm trying to put together a relatively simple BLAST exercise for lab biologists as part of a bioinformatics workshop.
As part of this exercise, we want to demonstrate the power of PSI-BLAST over a simple non-iterative BLAST search. The NCBI provides a PSI-BLAST tutorial with good example sequences, but this was written in 2007, and they no longer provide the eloquent demonstration they once did(!)
So my question is: can anyone provide me with a suitable test sequence for PSI-BLAST, one that essentially "fails" in BLAST, but will return a promising hit within a few iterations of PSI-BLAST?
Supplementary question: Are we at a point where the data is becoming so redundant that PSI-BLAST is no longer an effective strategy?
Some say that PSI-BLAST is deprecated and you should use hhblits instead: faster, much more sensitive, much more accurate, http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmeth.1818.html
Simon, you should post these questions to Deanna Church at NCBI. I'm sure she'd have some informed thoughts. She's on Twitter, and I think she once used BioStar.