Hello I am a Research Technician doing some bioinformatics which isn't something I've had prior experience in. I am using Bowtie 2 and I am aligning RNAseq files downloaded from the illumina bodymap website (16 tissues) to hg19 index files that were created in bowtie2. This is the message I get from the alignments:
-bash-4.1$ bowtie2 -p 22 -x software/bowtie2-2.2.6/scripts/hg19 -U ERR030858.fastq -S 030858.sam
77229855 reads; of these:
77229855 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
29907119 (38.72%) aligned 0 times
30792402 (39.87%) aligned exactly 1 time
16530334 (21.40%) aligned >1 times
61.28% overall alignment rate
I am not sure if this is good or bad, if I'm getting the right thing or not. Is there any way of knowing?
do you know what the command would be for tophat? I have it loaded, however I've never used linux before and so all of this has been quite a challenge for me.
Tophat has many choices, but after installing the program you can run the following
And you will have the chance to read the instructions