Hello everyone,
I am following this link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK52637/
I install NCBI BLAST+ package. Then create db folder inside blast-2.2.31+ folder to download one of NCBI databases. I select swissprot database and download it in the db folder. After that, I run:
perl update_blastdb.pl --passive swissprot
and it connect to NCBI successfully and download swissport in the bin folder. So, now I have two swissprot.tar.gz. One I download it in db folder and one downloaded in bin folder after running perl cammand.
Then I set PATH and BLASTDB environment variables. BLASTDB will contain which swissport database? the one in db or in bin?
The main issue appears when I type:
blastdbcmd -db swissprot -info
BLAST database error: no alias or index file found for nucleotide database [swissprot] in search path.....
What does this mean?
I follow the link step by step.
Any hints?
Thank you and regards,
Did you uncompress the swissprot.tar.gz? Once you do that it should produce several individual files with extensions like .pin, .phr, .phq etc. Then your blastdbcmd command should work.