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9.2 years ago
I would like to add an argument to the plotMA function in DESeq2. Specifically, I would like to highlight points on the MA plot that are not only alpha<0.1, but also log2FoldChange < -1 or >1. Is there a way to achieve this? I tried the following "ifelse" statement but it did not work.
plotMA(res,alpha=0.1,col=ifesle(log2FoldChange>0.75 | log2FoldChange<-0.75, "red", "grey"), cex=2, ylim=c(-2,2))
Thank you!
Thanks for the reply, Vivek. I'd like to retain the non-significant points in my plot as grey. By subsetting I only plot those that meet my criteria.
You can manually make the MA plot with all the genes, then color the genes of interest.
Hello, how are you?
Excuse me, I'm new to Deseq. I don't understand how to do it? I also have that question, how to change the ranges of Log2FoldChange in plotMA?
I thank you if you explain to me