I have lots of sequencing data from some mutants where I want to determine the effect of mutations on protein frames, whether they are in-frame or out-frame. Is there any quick way to analyse such type of data?
I have lots of sequencing data from some mutants where I want to determine the effect of mutations on protein frames, whether they are in-frame or out-frame. Is there any quick way to analyse such type of data?
What kind of sequencing data and what kind of organism are you considering? Also, how many mutants do you have?
Anyway, a tool you can try is Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor. The first step is to identify variants (use GATK maybe) , filtering out sequencing errors.
The FASTA package of alignment software provides programs for aligning a DNA query with a protein library (or sequence): fastx36 and fasty36, as well as compare a protein sequence to a DNA library (tfastx36, tfasty36). You probably want the tfasty36 program if you have a lot of DNA sequences (tfasty36 uses a more sophisticated frameshift algorithm than tfastx36, but it is also slower). The programs have some compact output options that would make it easy to sift through alignments for frameshifts.
http://faculty.virginia.edu/wrpearson/fasta/CURRENT/fasta36.tar.gz or
Hello apology for late reply,
I often use translatorX for sequence alignment where you can get aligned protein sequence as well as DNA sequence alignment.
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