Hi there -
Does anyone know if there is any open source/free tool that I can quickly browse image data taken from GE INCell 6000. The scope is located at the imaging core, and I am hoping that there is some tool out there that can help me quickly browse through the data when I am back to the lab - before start performing any analysis. The scope comes with the software that can browse all the images. However, I am wondering if there's something that I can browse on my desktop.
Thank you!
Provided the scope computer is remotely accessible/on the network.
@wichaidi: I don't know what kind of images/format you are looking at but if you need a program that can handle odd bit depth images then look into Irfanview (PC).
It's either 12/16 bit gray-scale images. It would be great if the tool can make RGB as well. I'm not sure if you're familiar with JCB - (journal of cell biology). They have DataViewer for the reader to visualize the published data. I am looking for something similar to that (http://jcb-dataviewer.rupress.org/jcb/browse/4609/S3/) Thank you though
Thank you for your response Alex. I'm not sure whether the imaging core would be okay for us to do so. Software/scope is being used most of the time.
ImageJ is a free, open-source Java-based image viewer written by a team at NIH. I don't know if it has browsing features, like a gallery mode or anything like that, but it opens lots of formats and has plug-ins to extend that capability further.