Can we make a list of software for inferring Population Structure from genotype or sequencing data?
This type of software are used to infer how a set of individuals can be subdivided into groups, given their genotype or genome. A typical example is the classification of Kenyan trush samples into three different populations, described in the original paper of the Structure software. In this case, a software to infer population structure has been used to determine whether the samples collected belonged to a single populations, or to different sub-populations, and to identify outliers.
(Kenyan trush example from structure paper)
You can also find a lot of example in the blog of the Dodecad project, and on Dienekes's blog.
I think that Structure is the most popular software in this field, but a lot of new options have been published recently... Can you share your list of software, and give our thoughts on what is your favorite?
I like ADMIXTURE because it is super fast for large datasets. Also check out Distruct that makes really nice plots from both STRUCTURE and admixture.