I need to blast one protein query file against 150 nucleotide files. at first I tried Blast but it says there is not database, I created a database with one of the 150 files and blasted against it, it worked!
So How do I loop through the 150 files and create a database of each of them so that the query file can blast against them one after another?
The problem with concatenation is that it will produce a single file, I am required to find the expression level of each query sequence from each of file among the 150 files. if i concatenate them, the result wont specify the expression on each file, so i need to create a database for every file and blast against them. Later i will need to see which query sequence is expressed in at least 90% of the files. I hope this is clear
You haven't answered the question, this is not a forum. Biosters is q&a. You mean to comment on the answers directly. As I am commenting on yours. It's wrong. With one database of many sequences, the query provides a number of hits to each site. Just ask blast to return the target of a hit in a table.
Not sure what that has to do with expression, you may be entirely on the wrong track. There are easier ways to find common expression.