Hi. I want to compare samples from 4 different strains. For each strain I have 3 biological and 3 technical samples. What is the best way to go using cufflinks?
Now this is what I do:
- tophat on all samples.
- merge the bam files of the technical and the biological sample
- run cufflinks on the merged.bam file for each sample
- merge the transcripts.gtf file from the 3 samples in each strain
- perform cuffquant with the merged.gtf file
- run cuffnorm on the samples of each strain
I repeat this for all the strains that I have
Ideally I want to compare the expression of all the strains together (not pairwise comparisons).
Let me know if you have any idea of what is the best way to go
I also performed cuffdiff but it does pairwise comparisons but as far as I know DESeq does pairwise comparisons as well. Am I right?
DESeq2 allows you to model your experiment and derive your contrast of interest. CuffDiff is limited to A vs B, whereas DESeq2 and Sleuth are much more flexible.