Given an Ensembl exon ID, how can I determine the exon number? For example, ENSE00003492976
should map to 3.
Exon(exon_id=ENSE00003492976, gene_name=SOD1, contig=21, start=31663790, end=31663886)
Given an Ensembl exon ID, how can I determine the exon number? For example, ENSE00003492976
should map to 3.
Exon(exon_id=ENSE00003492976, gene_name=SOD1, contig=21, start=31663790, end=31663886)
Hi Joshua,
I am not sure what you mean by "exon Numer" but I guess it is the rank (position of exon in a transcript, starting with 1 for the first one, even if not coding). Bear in mind that the rank is only defined referring to a transcript. Because an exon can have different ranks in different transcripts.
Using the Ensembl Perl API a solution could look like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
-host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org', # alternatively 'useastdb.ensembl.org'
-user => 'anonymous'
#get the exon you are interested in:
my $exon_id = "ENSE00003492976";
my $exon_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( "human", 'Core', 'Exon' );
my $exon = $exon_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($exon_id);
#get the transcript for which you want to know the exons rank:
my $transcript_id = "ENST00000270142";
my $transcript_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( "human", 'Core', 'Transcript' );
my $transcript = $transcript_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($transcript_id);
#the rank of an exon is only defined on a specific transcript
my $rank = $exon->rank($transcript);
print "rank of $exon_id in $transcript_id is: $rank\n";
I hope that was what you are looking for. But the rank of this exon is 2 for both protein coding transcripts of SOD1. If you ment something else I guess you should clarify what you need.
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Hi Chris,
Thanks for the script. I'm looking to order these in a similar manner to GTEx. See Exon Expression on the GTEx portal. I believe the exon I provided should give 3 (based on the exon coding lengths).
Also, can this be done in Python rather than Perl?
Hi Joshua,
I am not familiar with the Gtex portal, but looks like they really count all the exons of a gene no matter from which transcript they come. So forget the rank.
Ensembl does not provide a python API comparable to the perl API. But there is a REST API which can be used in python. But I don't know if it is possible to solve your problem with it.
If you want to give the perl API a try, have a look at get_all_Exons() in the Gene class:
This would give you the following list of all the different exons with chromosomal start and end positions:
With some grouping(overlapping exons and assigning the same number for them?) and sorts you should get the numbers you want.