(newbie alert)
I'm trying to find the sites of variants between two strains. I've map them both to the same reference. However, I don't know what the next step should be. I've used freebayes to call the SNP between the strains and the reference, but I don't know how to find the variants between the two strains themselves. Should I manipulate the 2 vcf files produced by calling SNP between the strains and reference, or is there a tool that I can use to call variants between the 2 strains themselves?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the advice. I have some problems when practicing it however, can you please help me?
When I merge and compare the two VCF files, I can't tell if there is a difference between the two strains when the following case occur:
Reference has a genotype A at locus 100;
Strain i has a genotype C at locus 100;
Strain j does not have a variant found at locus 100;
in such a case I can't tell if strain j is different from strain i at locus 100 or not. Because the lack of variant in strain j might be due to either lack of data(in which case it might actually be the same as strain i) or lack of variation from the reference(in which case its genotype is A and is a SNP against strain i).
I'm planning on using the SNPs to perform QTL mapping. I thought that genome wide SNP calling for QTL mapping is a common method used and that there should be a tool that calls the SNP between two strains directly, but I've looked up Gatk, samtools, freebayes and I can't seem to find any of it doing this...