I have a question about creating the "design formula" for my linear model within edgeR.
First I will explain the experimental design:
7 subjects donated tissue samples.
For each donor, their tissue was separated in 4 groups (n = 28):
- 1st group was stimulated with an enzyme for 5 days.
- 2nd group was stimulated with the same enzyme for 10 days
- 3rd group was a mock-treatment control group for 5 days
- 4th group was a mock-treatment control group for 10 days
The top of the design matrix looks like this
sample treatment time
sample1 enzyme 5.day
sample1 mock 5.day
sample1 enzyme 10.day
sample1 mock 10.day
sample2 enzyme 5.day
sample2 mock 5.day
My design formula looks like this:
model.matrix(~sample+time+treatment, design)
But I'm not sure it is correct...
Please help,
The main question we're asking is:
1) Which genes are differentially expressed between treatment (enzyme stimulation) and control?
2) does 10 day stimulation significantly differ from 5 day stimulation, when compared to control?
p.s. I will actually upvote your answer if you help me solve this :D
What question do you want to answer? That's what ends up determining the design (though what you're using is likely more or less what you'll end up wanting).
The main question we're asking is:
Which genes are differentially expressed between treatment (enzyme stimulation) and control?
I think you can drop the "sample" variable in the model, unless you are interested in testing whether there are differences between the samples themselves.
These are human samples, so I wouldn't recommend that.