Dear All,
I used trim galore for adapter trimming.
trim_galore --paired -a GAGAGCGATCCTTGC -a2 AGATCGGAAGAGC 2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R1.all.fastq.gz 2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R2.all.fastq.gz -o ./ --path_to_cutadapt $HOME/.local/bin/cutadapt
Output files:
2004_GCGTATCA_L002_R1.all_val_1.fq and 2004_GCGTATCA_L002_R2.all_val_2.fq
Both files are empty.
This is the summary of trim galore
=== Summary ===
Input filename: /Sample_2002/2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R1.all.fastq.gz
Total reads processed: 6,289,520
**Reads with adapters: 2,963,516 (47.1%)**
Reads written (passing filters): 6,289,520 (100.0%)
Total basepairs processed: 635,241,520 bp
Quality-trimmed: 12,351,960 bp (1.9%)
Total written (filtered): 568,191,752 bp (89.4%)
=== Adapter 1 ===
**Sequence: GAGAGCGATCCTTGC; Type: regular 3'; Length: 15; Trimmed: 2963516 times.**
=== Summary ===
Input filename: //Sample_2002/2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R2.all.fastq.gz
Total reads processed: 6,289,520
**Reads with adapters: 1,832,060 (29.1%)**
Reads written (passing filters): 6,289,520 (100.0%)
Total basepairs processed: 37,737,120 bp
Quality-trimmed: 580,324 bp (1.5%)
Total written (filtered): 34,632,200 bp (91.8%)
=== Adapter 1 ===
Sequence: AGATCGGAAGAGC; Type: regular 3'; Length: 13; Trimmed: 1832060 times.
Last 3 lines of my trim galore log file:
Total number of sequences analysed: 6289520
Number of sequence pairs removed because at least one read was shorter than the length cutoff (20 bp): 6289520 (100.00%)
Deleting both intermediate output files 2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R1.all_trimmed.fq.gz and 2002_AGCTAGTG_L002_R2.all_trimmed.fq.gz
It appears that one of the reads after trimming is failing the default length cutoff (20 bp) so this results in effective removal of all data. Did the FastQC analysis indicate a problem with adapters?
Yeah, the reads are contaminated with adapter sequence.
If one of the two reads is affected you may be able to salvage one good read by trimming the files independently. Not sure if it helps you though.
Hi nalandaatmi, Which kind of platform adapter 'GAGAGCGATCCTTGC' have you used in trim galore. I checked for Illumina,Nextera and few others but was unable to search.