Hi All
I have a bed file with the first five columns in place and I want to extend it with exon information for displaying in Galaxy. I need to add the exons lengths and start positions. I would like to extract this information from the UCSC database using command line mysql. Which tables would hold this information. There are hundreds of tables and I can't find any information on what data is in what table. Maybe I have been looking in the wrong places.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Sean
I know the table browser and I have used it but it does not make a great deal of sense to me at the best of times. I'm not a GUI person. Also, I need to extract information programmatically to process a load of bed files for viewing in Galaxy.
So, what is represented by your bed file? Are they genes, or something else?
The file contains exons
So, if your bed file contains exon starts and ends, what other information would you like to add to each record?