I am trying to convert 450 K methylation coordinates (Single C location) of given hg19 to GRCH38 following suggestions in previous posts (GRCh37/38(NCBI) vs hg19/hg38(UCSC) and Converting Genome Coordinates From One Genome Version To Another (Ucsc Liftover, Ncbi Remap, Ensembl Api))
using default parameters which are-
Minimum ratio of bases that must remap:0.95:
BED 4 to BED 6 OptionsAllow multiple output regions:off Minimum hit size in query:0;
Minimum chain size in target:0 BED 12 OptionsMin ratio of alignment blocks or exons that must map:1.00If thickStart/thickEnd is not mapped, use the closest mapped base:off
However I get an error :
Deleted in new:
Sequence intersects no chains
Partially deleted in new:
Sequence insufficiently intersects one chain
Split in new:
Sequence insufficiently intersects multiple chains
Duplicated in new:
Sequence sufficiently intersects multiple chains
Boundary problem:
Missing start or end base in an exon
Here is one line of input;
chr4 54974682 54974682 +
Any suggestion what is wrong?
I was having around 1Kb region that is strange that all is deleted or modified.