I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and R version 3.2.2 with RStudio version 0.99.484 and my session crash when I'm using featureCounts from Rsubread version 1.20.2 package.
I used featureCounts with no problems using mus_musculus.grcm38.82.gtf GTF archive from Ensembl over 12 miRNA-Seq BAM files. This is the code:
newcount = featureCounts(
files=c("1077_C274.bam", "1078_C283.bam",
"1079_C3_MAC-277.bam", "1080_M1-MA-269.bam",
"1081_M2-MA-239.bam", "1082_M3-MA-305.bam",
"1083_CM1-363.bam", "1084_CM2-369.bam",
"1085_CM3-MAC-360.bam", "1086_MM1-MA-376.bam",
"1087_MM2-MA-383.bam", "1088_MM3-MA-342.bam"),
I tried to repeat that but with a SAF file obtained from mmu.gff3 from miRBase. The file I created (using awk mostly) looks like:
GeneID Chr Start End Strand
MI0021869 chr1 12425986 12426106 +
MIMAT0025084 chr1 12426016 12426038 +
MI0000249 chr1 20679010 20679082 +
MIMAT0017004 chr1 20679017 20679039 +
MIMAT0000239 chr1 20679055 20679076 +
MI0000821 chr1 20682769 20682887 +
MIMAT0017083 chr1 20682797 20682818 +
MIMAT0000769 chr1 20682834 20682855 +
MI0000144 chr1 23272269 23272339 +
MIMAT0000128 chr1 23272274 23272295 +
MIMAT0000129 chr1 23272315 23272336 +
MI0000548 chr1 23291701 23291784 +
MIMAT0000514 chr1 23291714 23291736 +
Both R and Rstudio crash when I used this code:
countmiRNAs = featureCounts(
files=c("1077_C274.bam", "1078_C283.bam",
"1079_C3_MAC-277.bam", "1080_M1-MA-269.bam",
"1081_M2-MA-239.bam", "1082_M3-MA-305.bam",
"1083_CM1-363.bam", "1084_CM2-369.bam",
"1085_CM3-MAC-360.bam", "1086_MM1-MA-376.bam",
"1087_MM2-MA-383.bam", "1088_MM3-MA-342.bam"),
I also used featureCounts version 1.5.0 from the Subread package from sourceforge. It gives me a segfault error.
Surprisingly, RStudio crashes even when I use the first code I posted. I thought it was something about the memory usage but it keeps low. I tried deleting some objects from the workspace and reinstalling the package, but nothing changed.
A friend gave me her annotation file and 1 of her BAM files and featureCounts worked fine. I did not change nothing of the original BAM files.
Have you ever crossed with this issue? Any idea about fixing it? Maybe creating a new SAF file in some other way?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english. If you need more info or it is incomplete, I'd be glad to update.
Edit: Using a BAM file with no header featureCounts runs with no problem. The header of one of the BAM files looks like:
@HD VN:1.4 GO:none SO:coordinate
@SQ SN:chr1 LN:195471971
@SQ SN:chr2 LN:182113224
@SQ SN:chr3 LN:160039680
@SQ SN:chr4 LN:156508116
@SQ SN:chr5 LN:151834684
@SQ SN:chr6 LN:149736546
@SQ SN:chr7 LN:145441459
@SQ SN:chr8 LN:129401213
@SQ SN:chr9 LN:124595110
@SQ SN:chr10 LN:130694993
@SQ SN:chr11 LN:122082543
@SQ SN:chr12 LN:120129022
@SQ SN:chr13 LN:120421639
@SQ SN:chr14 LN:124902244
@SQ SN:chr15 LN:104043685
@SQ SN:chr16 LN:98207768
@SQ SN:chr17 LN:94987271
@SQ SN:chr18 LN:90702639
@SQ SN:chr19 LN:61431566
@SQ SN:chrX LN:171031299
@SQ SN:chrY LN:91744698
@SQ SN:chrM LN:16299
No error message?
Hi, just pop-ups a window saying:
R encountered a fatal error.
The session was terminated.
And a button of "Start New Session".
And if you try the same mapping using the command-line version of featureCounts? Does it works?edit:
I like RStudio a lot, but it interacts badly with some packages. Did you try running on a plain R session?Sorry, I overlooked this bit.
Hi, it gives me a segfault error.
Yes, it seems your SAF is to blame. Maybe it has hidden characters? Or wrong number of columns? To check for number of columns:
To grep for hidden characters, you may try this tip.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
Using awk I found I have the required 5 columns. The file is also tab-delimited.
I tried some of the options of the link, None of them show any result. Nevertheless, I will explore this option.
Apart from that, featureCounts fails at the very beginning of the analysis, so I'm suspicious if it is about the BAM files. As I said, I didn't change nothing of them but maybe is an issue about a previous version of Rsubread? Unfortunately, I don't know the version I used the first time so maybe the version I have now works diferent? This are just some thoughts I have, in case somebody came across to a related issue.
Thanks again for your time!
where is the function featureCounts coming from? Does it use compiled code, does it use external binaries? Maybe it makes sense to get the latest version of the package sources and compile them instead of installing a binary package?
Hi, thanks for your reply.
featureCounts comes from both Rsubread, an R package and from Subread, an executable command-line package.
I ignore what version (binary/source) Rsubread uses, but I used the binary version of Subread. I'll try the source version.
Thanks again!
Hi, I used the source package and it gives the same segfault error, both using my SAF file and using an unmodified GTF file from Emsembl.
Could you post a reproducible example, including one of your bam files, the GTF file that give a seg fault?
Hi, you mean post some screenshots of the files or copy paste them here or in my original post?
The SAM file from one BAM file looks like:
The GTF file looks like:
Hope it helps, thank you in advance.
I am facing a similiar problem. Using Ubuntu 14.04 and R version 3.2.2 on Amazon EC2. Using same mouse Ensembl GTF. R is crashing on using a single bam file.
Hi, I don't know if is the main reason but I notice in my case the problem was caused by the header of the BAM file. However, I didn't find the problematic line or tag.