I've qRT-PCR data to analyze. Two cell lines, each cell lines treated with 5µL and 10µL treatment. Each treatment was perfomed in each cell lines twice, and triplicates were performed in the qRT-PCR experiments. Thus for each cell line and treatment I have two triplicates. For example for cell line A here are the different sample analyzed in qRT-PCR. ( e.g. 5µL_treatment.1 and 5µL_treatment.2 are the same treatment but done in different tubes)
Sample Treatment
A Mock
A Mock
A Mock
A 5µL_treatment.1
A 5µL_treatment.1
A 5µL_treatment.1
A 5µL_treatment.2
A 5µL_treatment.2
A 5µL_treatment.2
A 10µL_treatment.1
A 10µL_treatment.1
A 10µL_treatment.1
A 10µL_treatment.2
A 10µL_treatment.2
A 10µL_treatment.2
I've performed 2^ddct analysis and now want to perform a stat test (Mann-Whitney). Do I have to average the triplicate before doing the test or should I use all technical replicates in my analysis.
Ok thanks that's what I thought
you recommend a t-test for qRT-PCR analysis ? on 2^ddct, or dCTs ?
I usually just used the dCt values. The Mann-Whitney test is mostly useful when you start hitting the Ct detection limit. Then you really need a non-parametric, otherwise you'll have better power with a T-test (unless of course the normality assumption is sufficiently violated...but with so few samples you'll have to just assume that).