I've seen on Ion Torrent's developers site that people is using MIRA as a de novo
assembler of Ion Torrent RNA-seq datasets. I am interested in knowing if there is any other software out there that could do a good job at it.
NOTE: Not interested in mapping RNA-seq reads to the genome, just strictly de novo
assembly of RNA-seq reads, as one would do with Trinity for Illumina data.
Out of the list of 5 in the SEQanswers wiki, I can confirm MIRA claims to be able to do it, but I couldn't confirm it for any of the other 4 in the list.
Why not? They all list Ion Torrent under "Technology" and assembly under "application domain" in the Application Data table, right side of screen.
Now you get 6 results, as I added Ion Torrent to the newbler software. Using newbler for transcriptome assembly with Ion Torrent data should not be a problem, but I don't know if anyone has tried this yet.
Now you get 6 results, as I added Ion Torrent to the newbler software. Using newbler for transcriptome assembly with Ion Torrent data should not be a problem, but I don't know if anyone has tried this yet.