I have run tophat2 using cmd:
tophat2 --bowtie1 -p 6 -G /project/Ref_Genome/GRCm38.gtf -N 2 -r 40 --library-type fr-unstranded -o ./ /project/Ref_Genome/GRCm38.genome.fa /project/rawdata/mouse-1.fq /project/rawdata/mouse-2.fq
but the following error occurs:
Error: Could not find Bowtie index files /project/Ref_Genome/GRCm38.genome.fa.*.ebwt)
I have checked that /project/Ref_Genome/GRCm38.genome.fa.*.ebwtl is produced.
My software infomation is here:
bowtie version 1.1.1
TopHat v2.0.13
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot!
I run my job on our cluster and there is only bowtie1 is installed. So when I run my job with tophat2, the error info is given. Now I am wonder how can I produce index file .*.ebwt. OR has the latest tophat2 solved this issule?
Just install it yourself then. You don't need cluster admins to install things into your home directory. Tophat2's support for bowtie2 tends to be a bit more up to date from what I've seen.
your index files should be in the same folder as the .fa files.