I looked both of these up in Molecular Biology of the Cell and didn't find more than a mention of them -- no definition. Also Google doesn't seem to bring up anything useful -- just use of the terms, but no definitions.
I looked both of these up in Molecular Biology of the Cell and didn't find more than a mention of them -- no definition. Also Google doesn't seem to bring up anything useful -- just use of the terms, but no definitions.
"Domain fusion allows for a prediction of functional relationship between two distinct genes in an organism if those two genes are fused as a continuous sequence in another organism. The fused gene in one organism suggests a relationship between the component genes in another organism - a relationship which is not necessarily due to sequence similarity. Fusion links frequently relate genes of the same functional category. Therefore, the function of an uncharacterized gene within a fusion link can be inferred from the known function of the gene to which it is fused."
Source: combrex.bu.edu/FAQ.html#faq_whatIsDomainFusion?
I'm going to infer that domain fission would also provide some statistical hint that the genes are not related.
This paper contains some information and few citations on the relevant topic. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/4/16
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MBOC and google are good resources, but I suggest you try pubmed first: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term="domain fusion"[Title]